
Men's Reptar Inflatable-Rugrats Adult Costume

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  • Men's Reptar Inflatable-Rugrats Adult Costume
  • PartySuppliesPlusCostumes.Com


Halt, I am Reptar! Oh, we’ll definitely halt if that's what Reptar suggests. Basically, we’ll do anything Reptar says because, like the Rugrats, Reptar is our idol. He destroys buildings, breathes fire, and doesn't give a hoot about anything (the latter being the number one reason why we still worship the fictitious dino as adults).

Reptar simply does what Reptar wants and that's a quality we can approve of and admire. In order to feed our addiction to this glorious beast, we've been watching old VHS tapes of Reptar On Ice and chewing on stale Reptar Bars that expired in ''97, but it hasn't been enough to sustain us. We. Need. More. Reptar! Luckily, our prayers were answered when this inflatable Reptar costume arrived at the office. Finally, there's a way to become one with our idol. (Um, we really hope that doesn't come across as creepy as it sounds.)If old Rugrats episodes and nostalgic childhood treats aren't filling your life with as much Reptar as you'd like either, then you may need this adult costume. The inflatable suit with clear vinyl vision port is propelled by a small fan operated by 4 AA batteries. The jumpsuit inflates into a jumbo-sized Reptar, officially intertwining you with your hero. Feel free to stomp ferociously, hurl objects to the floor, and create a path of devastation wherever you go because trust us, it feels rebelliously awesome. Oh, and it's a whole lot better than eating a crusty Reptar Bar. Look just like the much-admired Reptar from the classic Nickelodeon animated TV Show Rugrats. A big green dinosaur reminiscent of Godzilla Tommy and the other Rugrats love him! This costume will make your very own Rugrats (and other people love you too!.

Available in Men's Sizes: Adult Small(38-40), Adult Medium (Up-To 42), Adult Standard (Up-To 44), Adult Large (Up-To 46), Adult X-Large (Up-To 50), Adult 2X (Up-To 56).

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